Steve Olenski and I recently co-authored an article for Forbes entitled “13 Marketing Trends for 2017 that B2B Marketers Need to Understand.” Here are the trends we discuss in detail in that piece:
- Custom experience balance
- Executive branding
- Artificial intelligence/machine learning
- Visual content marketing
- Influence marketing
- Native advertising
- Agile marketing
- Experiential marketing
- Social media
- Mobile marketing
- Next-gen automation
- Alignment and collaboration
- Outsourced marketing executives
Please take a look at the article on Forbes.com and let Steve or me know what you think. Thanks!
A final thought: “Wherever I see people doing something the way it’s always been done, the way it’s ‘supposed’ to be done, following the same old trends, well, that’s just a big red flag to me to go look somewhere else.” ~Mark Cuban